2022-2024 Strategic Goals and Objectives

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Goals and Objectives

1. Student Success – strengthen the college’s focus on student success and completion.

a. Implement recruitment and retention activities that promote completion.

b. Implement strategies for recruitment and outreach to different populations.

c. Implement activities in academic and student support that will promote success.

d. Monitor internal benchmarks to determine student success and completion.

2. Learning and Workforce Development – provide comprehensive, relevant, innovative instruction and programming.

a. Align college programs with the needs of students, employers, and the larger community.

b. Support the economic growth and development of the college’s service area.

c. Increase college visibility and engagement with communities in the college’s service area.

d. Expand partnerships with business and industry leaders.

3. Resources – utilize all college resources to increase the effectiveness of programs and services.

a. Implement strategies to ensure facilities, equipment, and technology are available to promote learning and success.

b. Promote diversity and integrity and treat all stakeholders with dignity and respect through greater understanding of stakeholder needs, perspectives, and cultures.

c. Implement strategies to increase employee retention and performance.

d. Promote a culture of continuous improvement throughout the college’s programs and services. 

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