Placement Testing for Admission

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Chattahoochee Technical College will not require placement testing for applicants.

Dual Enrollment Students

If you are a dual enrollment applicant and have questions regarding testing, please email

Students with F-1 Visas

Testing scores in Math and English are required for International Students on F-1 visas.

ACCUPLACER Remote Testing with Meazure Learning 

If you would like to test outside regular business hours or would like to avoid coming to campus to test, please submit a remote testing request.

  • The remote testing process requires a computer with a webcam and a $25 payment to Meazure Learning, the company that provides the remote test proctoring service.
  • For more information about Meazure Learning, including technical requirements required for testing, please visit Meazure Learning online.

Additional Information

While not required for admission, placement testing is still available to applicants who need guidance on determining which coursework is appropriate for their skill level. Testing opportunities are limited and are available by appointment only. To make your appointment at a specific campus, please call the campus at which you’d like to test:

Georgia Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST)

If you need to complete testing for Georgia Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST), please visit our POST Testing web page.

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