The Chattahoochee Tech Golden Eagle Food Pantry is making the Thanksgiving holiday better for nearly 100 college students and their families in need this year. On Thursday, Nov. 16, the Golden Eagle Food Pantry distributed “Everything but the Turkey” Thanksgiving food packages, which included items ranging from canned corn, green beans and cranberry sauce to… Continue Reading Chatt Tech Golden Eagle Food Pantry Makes Thanksgiving Better for Those in Need
Three aviation programs of study based at the Chattahoochee Technical College Aviation Training Academy in Paulding County will be up and running for the college’s 2024 spring semester. Students may apply now for the Chattahoochee Tech Aircraft Structural Technology diploma program or to earn Technical Certificates of Credit in Avionics Bench Technician as well as… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Aviation Training Academy Launching Three Programs of Study for 2024 Spring Semester
Chattahoochee Technical College has earned accreditation for the college’s Dual Achievement program by Cognia, a nonprofit organization that provides quality assurance across the nation for schools, school districts, and education service providers. Benefits of the Cognia accreditation for the Chatt Tech College Academy include ensuring that all high school diplomas earned through the Dual Achievement… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Technical College Earns Cognia Accreditation for Dual Achievement Program
Earning a high school equivalency in Cobb County will become more convenient this fall for people who didn’t finish high school thanks to Chattahoochee Technical College expanding its Adult Education program. Shown l-r, Chatt Tech Adult Ed Director Chris Hord and Associate Director Amy Denney Chattahoochee Tech will begin offering free high school equivalency preparation… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Adult Education Program Expands in Cobb County
Chattahoochee Technical College Mathematics Instructor Adrienne Baldwin was named the state’s top technical college instructor for 2023. She received the Rick Perkins Award for Excellence in Technical Instruction at an awards ceremony hosted by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) in Atlanta on Wednesday, April 26. “We are incredibly proud of Chattahoochee Tech instructor… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Instructor Receives Top State Award for Instructor of the Year
Chattahoochee Technical College announced its top student and the instructor of the year at an awards luncheon held Friday, Jan. 27, at the college’s North Metro Campus Breana Miller, a student in the college’s Occupational Therapy Assistant program, received the 2023 Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) award for top student. Mathematics Instructor Adrienne Baldwin… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Presents Top Student and Instructor with GOAL and Rick Perkins Awards
This year marks the 60th anniversary of Chattahoochee Technical College opening its first campus. The college began with one building in 1963 for 120 students at the college’s current 980 South Cobb Drive location in Marietta. Originally known as Marietta-Cobb Area Vocational Technical School, the school was established through the joint efforts of the Marietta… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Technical College Celebrates 60th Anniversary in 2023