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You have been invited to this page because you are a Fall Semester applicant whose only remaining admissions requirement is an official transcript from a previously attended college. If you choose to submit a waiver for the college transcript(s) that have yet to be received, you will be accepted for Fall Semester.

If you have already requested a transcript, they will still be processed and reviewed for transfer credit if they are received after submitting your waiver request(s). 

If you have questions or are unsure which college transcripts have not yet been received, please call 770-528-4545 and follow the menu options for admissions to speak with an admissions counselor.

College Transcript Waiver Form

Please be aware of the following:

  • You will be admitted to the college without Chattahoochee Tech receiving an official college transcript from the requested institution(s).
  • Without proof of prior English or math credits, you will be placed based on placement test results or courses taken at Chattahoochee Tech or another institution, provided we have received a transcript from that institution.
  • You will not receive any transfer credit for courses taken at the chosen institutions until an official transcript is submitted to Chattahoochee Tech.
  • The Financial Aid Office cannot determine your eligibility for the HOPE Scholarship without receiving official transcripts from all previously attended colleges, including foreign college transcript evaluations. By requesting a college transcript waiver, you will be ineligible to receive the HOPE Scholarship.
  • If you have earned a four-year degree from any institution, foreign or U.S., you will be ineligible to receive financial aid at Chattahoochee Tech.
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