CARES/HEERF Grant Compliance

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Chattahoochee Technical College has received education stabilization funding through:

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act),
Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), and American Rescue Plan (ARP).

This legislation authorizes Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF I, II, and III) and has been allocated to the College through specific grants. Institutional Portion funds are awarded to cover costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to coronavirus.

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting are provided as follows:

– Quarter Ending March 31, 2021
– Quarter Ending June 30, 2021
– Quarter Ending September 30, 2021
– Quarter Ending December 31, 2021
– Quarter Ending March 31, 2022
– Quarter Ending June 30, 2022
– Quarter Ending September 30, 2022
 Quarter Ending December 31, 2022
– Quarter Ending March 31, 2023
– Quarter Ending June 30, 2023
– Quarter Ending September 30, 2023
– Quarter Ending December 31, 2023
– Quarter Ending March 31, 2024
– Quarter Ending June 30, 2024
– Quarter Ending September 30, 2024
Quarter Ending December 31, 2024

Quarterly reports are not cumulative and, as required, provide liquidated expenditures as of the date of the reporting. Student Portion funding is reported separately.

1. The school signed an agreement document for the student portion of the CARES act funding on May 22, 2020 and received initial funding from Department of Education on May 27, 2020.

2. As of end of quarter 4 2021(December 31, 2021) The college has received approval to disburse $14,903,074 to students.

3. The college has identified and disbursed as follows:

Grant disbursement table by year and quarter

4. Eligibility Requirements by semester:

Fall Semester 2022

• A two stage process was implemented:
– Stage 1: Students whose expected family contribution (EFC) on the FAFSA indicates need received grant funds based on the number of hours enrolled. Students enrolled in less than 9 hours received $500. Students enrolled in 9 or more hours received $750.
– Stage 2: Students that did not automatically receive funds in Stage 1, had the opportunity to declare a financial need based on the pandemic through an application process. Students enrolled in less than 9 hours received $500. Students enrolled in 9 or more hours received $750.

Summer Semester 2021

• A two stage process was implemented:
– Stage 1: Students whose expected family contribution (EFC) on the FAFSA indicates need received grant funds in the amount of $500 automatically.
– Stage 2: Students that did not automatically receive funds in Stage 1, had the opportunity to declare a financial need based on the pandemic through an application process. Students that declared a need were awarded $500.00

Spring Semester 2021

• A two stage process was implemented:
– Stage 1: Students whose expected family contribution (EFC) on the FAFSA indicates need received grant funds in the amount of $500 automatically.
– Stage 2: Students that did not automatically receive funds in Stage 1, had the opportunity to declare a financial need based on the pandemic through an application process. Students that declared a need were awarded $500.00

Spring Semester 2020

• Enrolled on March 13 in Spring Semester credit course at Chattahoochee Technical College
• Enrolled in at least 1 credit hour in which the classes end date was on or after March 13th.
• Enrolled in at least one credit hour in a for credit class as of March 13, 2020.
• Exclusions:
– Foreign Students
– Transient Students where CTC is not considered the home campus.
– Students exclusively enrolled in Spring Semester courses that ended prior to March 13, 2020.
– The award amount was determined by dividing the DOE award amount by the number of eligible students.
• The award amount was determined by dividing the DOE award amount by the number of eligible students.
• Students received email communication concerning the disbursement of the award and the eligibility requirements.

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