Anonymous Tips

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The Chattahoochee Technical College Department of Public Safety is committed to protecting the safety and security of all students, faculty, and staff while they are on campus.

The Department of Public Safety also believes that you can help us by being aware of situations occurring around you, and that is why we want to hear from you! As such, we have created an ANONYMOUS TIP FORM for you to submit. If and when you see or witness anything suspicious and/or inappropriate happening on any of our campus locations, please use the Anonymous Tip Form to let us know.

The form you submit can be completely anonymous, or you can include other information such as your name, location, phone number and/or email address. We also ask that you please indicate in the message area if you would like a response to your question, concern, or observation.

By submitting this form, you can be assured the information provided will be treated as strictly confidential, unless you advise us otherwise.

We appreciate it when you keep your eyes and ears open to what is going on around you. Please remember to advise Public Safety immediately if you see anything that may appear to be out of place, suspicious, or just “not right.”  In addition to clicking the link to access the ANONYMOUS TIP FORM, you may call the Public Safety office at 770-529-2311.  Thank you.

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